
Get out of the store! Share local price reductions instantly with a single click

socoto - Raus aus dem Store! Preissenkungen auf Knopfdruck lokal kommunizieren

Short-term price reductions can increase sales

The fresh peppers on the shelf still appear fresh, but they should be sold by the end of the day to avoid any write-offs. Lowering the price to boost sales may seem like a simple solution, but it’s not that straightforward.  Changing the labels alone won’t suffice; the price must also be updated in the POS system and on the displays at the point of sale. How about a system that can change everything with just one button and display personalised advertising to customers in the store’s vicinity?

We’ve all seen grocery store employees changing price tags just before closing time, but this is now a thing of the past for many retailers. Major retail chains are now using digital price labels to optimise their processes. The digital solution replaces tedious manual processes, saving a significant amount of time. This alone is reason enough for many to switch to the digital solution.

However, if retailers stop there, they are wasting potential. Consistent communication of prices across all channels in the shop, including digital labels, product information steles, checkout systems, and displays in the checkout area, should be standard practice to prevent incorrect price labelling. This can often lead to discussions and result in a loss of time and revenue.

Digitalisation that exploits all possibilities

But what would you think if prices could be displayed directly to consumers through digital adverts or messenger messages? What potential could be realised?

With socoto, you can send new prices to interested consumers via WhatsApp with just one click. Additionally, you can enrich the message with a link to a suitable recipe. Good data management makes this possible.

Have you ever considered short-term advertising via meta? By combining interest targeting with geo-targeting, you can reach potential customers who are near the store. Send new prices to interested consumers via WhatsApp with just one click! However, setting up and managing this type of advertising through the Meta Business Suite is time-consuming, requires specialized expertise, and has potential sources of error. It is more efficient to manage this advertising through socoto. The advertising material is automatically created in the portal, and the current price can be loaded directly into it. The advert is then immediately sent to the connected fulfilment partner via an interface, which carries out the playout according to your predefined requirements in seconds. 

This process is highly convenient, and the goods are sold at the end of the day. If you require more information on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our sales team will be happy to answer your questions!

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