
Real-time monitoring for corporations and local retailers

Made to measure - exactly our thing!

Which campaign was really successful?

Key figures are always a top priority for marketing managers – and not just at the beginning of the year.

Companies want to know promptly how their advertising campaigns are performing and whether they are reaching their marketing goals. Online marketing has the great advantage of providing a wide range of insights. Thanks to this data, those responsible can immediately evaluate where they stand with their digital communication. The real challenge is keeping track of campaigns, channels and costs.

Monitoring has been one of the most important marketing tools for as long as online marketing has existed. This is because the effectiveness of advertising measures can be measured and optimised in digital media. Key performance indicators, (KPIs), are the currency of digital marketing: impressions, visits, likes, clicks, interactions and, above all, the cost per click (CPC) and conversion rate (CVR) provide information on whether a campaign is really successful. How often were our banners displayed and on which portals? On which devices were they seen? Who clicked on our ads on Facebook? Which days and times were particularly effective for display? Answers to questions like these are provided by our detailed analytics module, which delivers data from various channels in real time, clearly and graphically presented. Above all, it is user-focused, which means that it is tailored to the interests of corporate marketing as well as the wishes of local retailers.

socoto analytics provides all planning-relevant information

The Group marketing can see from socoto analytics which advertising measures have been played out in which regions and where is there still potential for retailer activation. How many online banner or poster orders were there in total and how many radio adverts did retailers order? Where did the sales increase after the advertising campaigns and which channels obviously contributed to the sales success? Which campaigns performed better than others, which products won the race? And how much was spent by local retailers each month? The Group cockpit provides all planning-relevant information.

Affiliated retailers only need to take a quick look at their dashboard to check their budget and the success of their selected advertising campaigns. Clear diagrams of relevant key figures make analysis easier, especially for those who have little time for marketing. All monitoring results can be exported or integrated into your own BI system via a standard API.

socoto analytics provides an organised view of the essentials and of what is relevant to decision-making for companies and retailers. This can vary greatly in type and scope. We are happy to customise monitoring exactly to your requirements. As always, we are very flexible.

Get in touch with us! Together we can increase your success!

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