
Made to measure – exactly our thing!

“Success Partner Portal” for Austrian furniture label TEAM 7

Realising individual customer wishes made to measure – that is the business model of the Austrian brand TEAM 7. The manufactory produces premium furniture from noble natural woods, made to order and to special dimensions upon request. With this concept, the ecologically orientated company has been internationally successful for more than four decades. Customised products of 1A quality – that’s exactly our thing! That’s why we at socoto immediately knew the importance of developing a “Success partner portal” for TEAM 7.

To manufacture exactly the right product for each customer – that is the mission of the furniture label TEAM 7. There are virtually no limits to the individual design. Whether kitchen or dining room, living, working or sleeping area: the real wood furniture from the Austrian manufacturer offers a wealth of design options. TEAM 7 only manufactures them once the customer’s wishes have been precisely defined and the data on dimensions, form and function have been finalised. This is exactly how our work functions. Because we also develop marketing management systems that are precisely customised to the needs and requirements of our customers.

Two languages and currencies

For TEAM 7, we created a “Success partner portal” for the 250 affiliated dealers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Since the beginning of the year, local dealers have been able to use this portal to book online campaigns in no time, matching the various living areas like “Kitchen”, “Eating”, “Sleeping” or “Kids”. The system only displays those areas that are relevant to the individual dealer. The already customised templates, complete with the address and specifics of the local dealer, can be booked with a simple click. And thanks to the quarterly budgets stored in the system, budget control is no longer time-consuming. At the same time, the company’s marketing team has an overview of all booked campaigns and can also use the insights displayed on its own dashboard to activate TEAM 7 partners.

For dealers in Switzerland, we created a French-language interface in addition to the German one, which displays budgets and advertising allowances in Swiss francs. This means that TEAM 7’s “Success partner portal” is therefore available in two languages and two currencies. This was one of the furniture manufacturer’s requirements, which we enquired about in advance and were happy to fulfil. Our flexible marketing management system is designed precisely for such “customised products”.

What are your specific requirements? We look forward to receiving your call or e-mail and will be happy to discuss this with you in detail.

Get in touch here and ask your questions about optimizing your marketing performance!

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