Media planning

Effective planning of insert campaigns

socoto - Effective planning of insert campaigns

Do you rely on printed advertising flyers? We do too!

Insert marketing is in a state of flux: First, large corporations say goodbye to print inserts, and then Deutsche Post announces the discontinuation of its “Einkaufaktuell” product, a distribution channel for advertising flyers from local dealers. However, printed brochure advertising is far from being a sinking ship in the marketing mix: studies show that it remains indispensable for communicating offers – especially if it can be supplemented by a digital version without additional effort. But how can customised advertising inserts be created and distributed quickly and easily?

Printed brochures remain an important and popular information medium – even in times of increasingly digital advertising. The Institute for Retail Research IFH Cologne in its Prospectus Monitor 2023 conducted a study, where 91 per cent of respondents stated that they use printed brochures occasionally, and 79 per cent weekly. Interestingly these figures are rising! Especially in cost-intensive times, customers like to use advertising inserts to compare prices and keep an eye on retailers in the long term. Even for online purchases, print inserts are one of the most important sources of information. Ultimately, this leads to a brand-building function.

Clever individualisation and distribution

How can insert campaigns, which continue to address local markets effectively, be planned cleverly and simply? Essentially, there are two major challenges for companies with multiple locations: individualisation and distribution. Advertising inserts are attractive because of their local relevance, containing individual opening hours and special offers on-site. Each individual retail chain location can respond with flexibility to the needs of its customers using their own insert version and pursue its own specific marketing strategy. For distribution purposes, it relies on local providers and local media. This is where it is important to know the current media data for newspaper inserts and to constantly compare them.

This media data is quickly realised with our tool for companies wanting to make it easier for their locations to plan and implement an insert campaign and to ensure consistent brand message. The socoto tool turns a complex matter into a simple routine task: thanks to various marketing materials provided by the company, the print inserts can easily be compiled and individualised with just a few clicks. Retailers can then immediately view the printing costs and book the distribution. With access to the current media data and price per thousand of the desired newspapers on site, this is a piece of cake.

Booking, printing and dispatch, all with a single tool! Insert marketing couldn’t be simpler.

Of course, we configure our software entirely according to your wishes and in line with your company processes. Just get in touch with us!

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