
Perfect user interfaces for every PIM

socoto - Perfect user interfaces for every PIM

Complicated concepts can be simplified!

The database is well-maintained and includes all products, along with their photos, descriptions, and validity periods.  However, it could be improved by making the search function more user-friendly and allowing for easy storage on personal servers. While we do not develop PIMs, we are experts in simplifying marketing processes. That’s why we developed an interface that makes working with any PIM enjoyable.

During our work, we have encountered various PIMs, some extensive, others with extensive indexing, some outdated, and others so complicated that the search and filter functions are ineffective. If the databases are not functioning correctly, are difficult to use, and employees avoid working with them, then all subsequent processes will also suffer.

Flexible integration for optimal efficiency

We have developed an interface that connects any PIM via an interface, making it easy to use.

For instance, INTERSPORT Deutschland eG has a database with 150,000 models in 255,000 colour variants, each with various cut-outs (approx. 1.2 million in total), x images, and 450 brand logos of the sporting goods manufacturers. In addition, all models are provided with a wealth of information, from the long copy to various selling points and validity. Overall, this results in a more comprehensive database.

In collaboration with Intersport, we defined the filter criteria and their possible combinations. Now every Intersport member can easily find the desired articles, select and download the appropriate images for their purposes, including product images.

The customer receives a well-organized package, with each model having its own folder named after the item number. The package includes the selected images, the manufacturer’s brand logo, and a file with all the necessary information. This organization allows the member to easily integrate the files into various advertising materials or their own homepage, or pass them on to their agency in an orderly fashion.

We have made even the most complicated PIMs usable for our customers. Contact us to learn more!

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