
Into the digital future with socoto

Dual study programme in computer science at the marketing management systems specialist

With increasing digitalisation in all areas of life, the demand for IT experts is also on the rise. Numerous industries need appropriately trained specialists and graduates generally have a wide range of job offers to choose from. Reason enough for high school graduates with a solid understanding of mathematics and an analytical mindset to take a closer look at the career profile.

socoto is a cooperation partner of the Trier University of Applied Sciences

socoto offers the opportunity to study computer science alongside practical work and gain an early insight into the working world of programming languages such as Java, Typescript or SQL. At the specialist for automated marketing systems and co-operation partner of Trier University of Applied Sciences, students learn very quickly that computer science has a lot to do with finding creative solutions in practice. Computer scientists primarily solve problems for people and companies. In particular, our team facilitates the work of marketing managers and retail companies who want to advertise as easily as possible, even without much prior knowledge of marketing.

At the centre right from the start

Our dual students work on improving work processes in the marketing field right from the start. They learn how to apply and develop their theoretical knowledge in specific customer cases. And of course, in their day-to-day work, they also learn how versatile customer requirements are and what customised system solutions look like. Boredom isn’t an option. “This gives us the opportunity to train specialists at an early stage and integrate them directly into our teams”, says René Beszon, Managing Director and responsible for development at socoto. He accompanies the students as a main contact person on the practical side.

And once they have completed their Bachelor of Science, they have excellent chances of being hired. René Beszon: “We are delighted to be able to familiarise young people with the diversity of computer science in this practical way. Of course, we are particularly pleased when these people stay with us in the long term.”

Anyone who is still unsure about their choice of study programme can complete a one-week internship with us. You can find more information about the dual study programme in computer science at socoto here!

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    * Pflichtfelder