
From the field: Tips for successfully managing a brand change

socoto - Aus der Praxis: Wie man erfolgreich einen Markenchange bewerkstelligt

Basler has been rebranded as Baloise

Do not alter the logo, unless there is a merger or a name change throughout the Baloise Group. The entire Group is adopting the new name Baloise as part of a one-brand strategy, including a new logo and corporate identity. This change is being implemented across all countries and companies, with over 550 independent sales partners. Read on to discover why the transition was successful and how socoto played a role.

Announcing and implementing a new brand name and identity can be a time-consuming and stressful process. However, it doesn’t have to be, even if you work with numerous independent sales partners. The key to success, in addition to effective time management, is to have a system that automates tasks and provides sales partners with up-to-date advertising materials in real-time.

socoto’s marketing portal played a significant role

Basler has been rebranded as Baloise. On the cut-off date, Baloise redefined its corporate identity throughout the Group and determined the means of communication that the almost 400 independent agencies and their more than 550 sales partners in Germany use for their local advertising. These means of communication range from banners for local sponsorship on the sports field to car lettering and 18/1 outdoor advertising, not forgetting the complete business equipment of the individual agencies. Everyone pulled together to make it a success.

Carrying out the rebranding was a significant challenge. Manuela Baum, Marketing Communications at Baloise Germany, stated that it required a huge logistical effort. With the professional support of our partners, including creative agencies, printers, advertising material providers, and outdoor advertising at the point of sale, we were able to get all employees and sales partners on board. As a result, we have successfully rebranded Basler as Baloise, according to plan. Our socoto marketing portal played a crucial role in this.

Successful rebranding with socoto: Automation and time savings

For Baloise, it was crucial that advertising material was available to agencies on time or with sufficient lead time to ensure uninterrupted advertising. Only advertising material that corresponded to the current CI was played out, which was monitored through the socoto marketing portal.  The text specifies which assets can be retrieved up to a certain point. This applies not only to a CI change but can also be specified to give campaigns a certain validity.

socoto’s marketing portal offers additional features for CI conversions, including timings, measures, costs, and responsibilities for each sales partner. socoto’s marketing portal offers additional features for CI conversions, including timings, measures, costs, and responsibilities for each sales partner. These can be managed through the marketing plan element, allowing for a clear overview of the changeover throughout Germany.  If desired, this can also be linked to regional or nationwide campaigns to ensure coordinated communication and strengthen identity. Coordinating in this way not only reduces the fear of a CI change but can also help the company enhance its image and grow.

Are you ready for a smooth CI changeover? We can support you! Please get in touch with us.

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