Billboard advertising in Switzerland - now in easy

Anyone in Switzerland who wants to enrich his campaign with outdoor advertising and perhaps even wants to direct the advertising pressure straight to the local sales partner demands a lot from him when booking billboards: persistence, expert knowledge and above all a lot of time.

The challenge: In Switzerland, there are many billboards from various providers that cannot be booked via a single system and also many different formats that have to be taken into account when booking.

The solution: We talked to the individual providers, integrated panels into our tool and set up interfaces to the booking tool. Now our customers have the opportunity to book available advertising panels in Switzerland via socoto - independent of the provider and network bookings. Cartographically prepared and enriched with information on the location of the advertising space, the sales partner receives a daily updated display of all poster spaces for the available weeks. The precise selection couldn't be easier.

And what about the different formats? With the help of the optimized editor, the sales partner only has to individualize one poster motif. The adaptation in F12, F24 and F200 is automated - taking into account all CI specifications. This means that the sales partner already has the right format for each poster panel selection at hand - without even a little extra work.


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